So here's something funny: I had been reading about this chemo brain fog, a condition that includes forgetfulness, spaciness, etc. For a while I was spared but this last week was a doozy. For example, I just wandered around my house for about 45 minutes after getting ready in the morning before work, wondering what I needed to do. Total fog! I told my doctor and she laughed (apparently she thinks I'm funny). She said only professional women & men with tight schedules notice that fog. She said I will be fine after it's all over, but here's my thinking . . . . I want to have this excuse for a long time!
May 6, 2007, finishing this post. It's the weekend and I haven't felt right since my treatment. I am drowsy and fatigued all the time. I can't even think of the word "chemo" without my stomach turning. I really don't know how I'll get through the next four treatments, even though they are supposed to be easier. I don't know how I'll get through working next week! Eating has been weird. Sleeping has been weird. I'm just not myself anymore.
The fog continues. Plus, my allergy to mulberry tree pollen is in full swing, so that adds to the misery. I have had the most amazing nightmares. The last one involved work and it was so real that I woke up thinking it had actually happened. I almost called my boss!
So you want some good news? I had a great time on the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk last Saturday. The weather was gorgeous and I walked with Team Green Alene, with Alene Hardin as the chief survivor (I am just the junior survivor). Team Green Alene does it up right. We had a tailgate party at 7 am with breakfast burritos, fresh, giant, nuclear strawberries, and juice. We started at 8 and were finished before many had even started. It was so fun to get out there, even though I felt like a freak in a way. But I didn't care! Here we are at Mile 2.

In the photo are the Hardins (Alene took the photo) along with the biggest flirt in Albuquerque, Karen Hoffert. Beside me is Callie Bryan, my daughter's friend, who ran the 5K. Rachel was hiding. She probably was embarrassed because I wore the Breast Cancer Survivor Sash they gave me as a necktie. I mean, honestly, who wears a sash? Besides the homecoming queen, I mean.
I sure feel better when I get outside and exercise. So that's good news. And some of my tumors continue to shrink, so that's good. The others aren't growing, but they don't seem to be shrinking as much as the other ones are. Surgery is still scheduled at the end of July.
Take care everybody!
PS the title is for all the Bon Jovi fans out there!
Hey Lady:
Beautiful toes ... I hope you get your brain back in time to relax on Mother's Day. Wish I could be there to help with the anxiety. I get it too so I can only imagine what you're feeling. I really hope the next four treatments aren't so bad.
Try the anti-anxiety meds ... I'll bet they help.
Can't wait to see you!
I'm not sure I need a brain in order to relax on Mother's Day. I don't want to do much on Sunday, maybe take a nap! No brain required!
I'm with Cosmogirl on this one, take the meds! I'm also thinking that the fog might actually be an asset at the labs, maybe you'll get promoted to manager. (just kidding lab rats!)
I agree - beautiful toes - you inspire me to dig out some nail polish.
I tried to think of a time when I've felt like you described and the only thing I could come up with was when it was time to deliver my babies (25 and 21 now). I remember thinking "you want me to push what - out of where??? Forget it - I'm otta here!!"
Now, you had that huge baby boy and we know everything else you go through has got to be easier. Just do the mommy chant "I had a baby, I can do anything". By the way, even if you did natural child birth, take the meds.
so, you had asked who "kaleidoscope" is...it's Darlene from work (cookie factory). I make kaleidoscopes and find that the word is not used often enough.
Have a delightful Mother's Day!
Thanks D! I appreciate it so much. I read the side effects from the anxiety meds, and it said I should just go to bed after taking one -- so maybe today I will. Can't drive, can't work, can't do anything. Sounds like the luxe life!
Hello Princess Grace:
Love the toe picture. Take the meds. That is why there is modern medicine, take advantage of it. I am planning your after Chemo party. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I think about you alot.
Love to you,
Lele Stern
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