The picture you've all been waiting for. Amanda came over to do a professional job, for which I am eternally thankful. I am smiling in this picture because I am happy! Happy not to have hair falling out all over the place. Happy that I've passed another major milestone towards recovery. Happy that I had friends and family with me at this moment. Nope, didn't cry. Still haven't. A bald head feels very, very tingly and fresh.
It's the second day post chemo and I'm pretty sick. The new meds are working but I still don't want to go anywhere, see anything, cook anything, or eat anything. I sipped on some broth earlier, and that was okay. I just want to crash on the sofa in a quiet house, no music or movies or Oprah.
On Tuesday my oncologist gave me some free anti-nausea meds -- I thought $9000 worth! But as it turns out, it was just $4000 worth. Just four pills. I thought they were in a three-pack, but they were just singlets. Oh well, I am not going to complain! I'm still counting my blessings that she gave me free samples. I am very lucky.
Yesterday my friend Debi met me at her friend Lorenzo's salon, and he styled my wigs. Lorenzo is the best wig artiste in town and we had a blast! But here's the deal. My scalp is still tender and the wigs bug me. I'm much more comfortable in hats and scarves. I'll keep trying the wigs, and I hope I can get used to them.
Thanks to everyone who tried to make this week tolerable for me. Karen H., you are a nut! Thanks for taking Kurt's Easter basket to the Post Office for me, and for all the goodies you brought. The tulips from your garden are divine. Trixie, I felt like a parade queen in your grandma-mobile! Colleen and Tim, thanks for hangin' with me during the Red Devil Drip! DeAnna, the Easter goodies are so cute! To the large contingent of chauffeurs for Rachel, she and I both are grateful. She was on time all week! And to all the people who took the time to call or write or bring food over for my family, I really appreciate it, and I'm sorry if I'm not able to keep up my end of the conversation. I'll be back to normal in a few days!
Have a great week everybody! Wish I could be enjoying all that chocolate!
Wow, it makes your eyes look HUGE. Now your hair is as short as mine. Be carful, once you get accustomed to the low maintenance it will be hard to go back.
Hope you had a restful Easter. I think you're going to be even more sassy with the new do (is that possible?)! I'll be buried in paperwork at my desk - call me if you if you want to escape for a long lunch.
You literally take my breath away Princess Grace! You are literally an inspiration to anyone struggling through difficulties. Your grace and positive attitude are contagious! Whenever you want to feel like a parade float participant, call me up! I'll take you for a ride in my "granny car"! Hee Hee!
Hey everybody! It's my first day back at work with the dead muskrat on my head, and I survived! Nobody tried to pull it off! Yet!
Who is Kaleidoscope?
Nice photo, it really captures the moment. Good job Sandra, makes me feel as if I were there.
Dianne, but you WERE there, on speakerphone! And the girlfriend glass full of wine! And kids in the background!
Get busy eating the kids' Easter chocolate!
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