March 24, 2007
A new day
I'm trying, really, I'm trying, but all I want to do is crawl back into bed. Rachel's leaving on a spring break trip to DC (how ironic -- it's where I work, and yet I can't even think about work). We need to do some last minute preparations, and I want to sleep! She got up at oh-dark-thirty to go to a soccer game (thanks Marlene for driving her) and came home, soaking wet, having played in the rain. She took a quick shower and soon she'll be asking me, gently, to take her to the store to buy some cool jeans for the trip. Well, maybe I can go out and find some food I can eat.
Things I like: Tea. Little shortbread biscuits. Ramen noodles. Applesauce. Popsicles. Hot baths.
I am eating like an old lady!
My friend Carol Ann sent me a nice letter and some gifts from her last trip to Belize. She has such wonderful stories! That's because she is NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING. What an amazing woman. On her way back from sunny, tropical Belize to Anchorage, she stopped in King Salmon, Alaska, where the windchill was -59 degrees. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. I am sure I wouldn't have a thing to wear.
I know I need to get strong so I can visit my friends! I have trips planned (in my mind) to California, Oregon, and Alaska by the end of the year. Who knows?
I'm providing a picture from my last trip to Oregon with my friends Sandra and Dianne. It's so beautiful out there. I think wide open spaces make me feel better.
Oregon awaits you. Nothing but feisty crabs named R-- waiting to be boiled and eaten.
Buying jeans, may be just what the doctor ordered. S
Speaking of Oregon .... don't they perscripe sometning for folks in your condition that offers pain relief and increases the appitite? And can be grown at home?
Now, Jim, that might do the trick. And I wouldn't have to worry about working again!
WP: YOU are an amazing woman! Don't forget to add Virginia to your list of trips this year .... I've got a pitcher of margs in the freezer for our trip to OBX!!
Oh yeah, Virginia Beach too! I will have to start saving my pennies!
Thinking about you, I was unable to sleep last night, so I decided to raid the freezer. Now considering the icky appitite stopping crap your going through, I deciede to try and figure out for you (for I am a giver) what may best spark the taste buds under any circumstance. I belive it is Ben and Jerry's. At midnight it was quite impossible to stop on one or two bites. Needless to say, I'm completly out of Cherry Garcia, and moments ago .... I had a whole pint. What the hell, my waist line can take a hit for science.
Yeah! Way to go, Jim! Taking one for the breast team!
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